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Other Projects

My job experience and my coursework at Northwestern has allowed me to grow my array of skills greatly. Displayed below are applications of some of these skills: CNC Machining and Milling, SolidWorks, dynamic simulations created using Python, and SolidWorks. I hope to continue to build on these skills and develop new ones as my career progresses.

Industrial Design

Designed and manufactured a lampshade, inspired by Atlanta's Superdome. The design was made out of acrylic and made to support an LED bulb with an attached cord to plug into the wall.


CNC Machining & Milling

My Northwestern coursework has allowed me to take a step beyond my CAD proficiency into CAM, in which I used NX's manufacturing environment to program machining operations for CNC milling. Further, I manufactured my parts using CNC milling centers and built on my machine shop skills.

Example: Clover Project

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Other SolidWorks / NX

I have had other opportunity to demonstrate and practice my skills in CAD, both in and outside of my coursework. Shown below are screenshots of CAD models and assemblies that did not make it into my writeups of other projects.


Assembly of a unicycle, properly constrained so the pedals spin the wheel. Wheel, pedals, seat parts made from scratch (SolidWorks)


Assembly of the WALL-E robot, properly constrainted so the wheels can spin. All parts made from scratch. (SolidWorks)

Dynamic Simulations in Python: Triple Pendulum with Impacting Body

Utilizing my skills in Python programming, I tacked the challenge of modeling a triple pendulum system in which only one body was to impact a wall (in this case, the lowest mass). Shown below are screenshots of my python code used to model this system, as well as a plot of the angles of each mass over time and a video of the final simulation.

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